Thursday, October 25, 2012

for frank...

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this piece is very special to me because i made it for a childhood friend.  what she has gone through in the past year is more than i could ever imaging going through.  she was pregnant with baby frank, who was was stillborn at 26 weeks.  she has been unbelievably strong and so courageous throughout it all.  i can only imagine how hard that must be.  please read her story here ( - you will, no doubt, be inspired by her journey.

Friday, September 28, 2012

omni art house submission ... it came from the sea

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here is my second submission to the Omni Art House.  the theme to illustrate this time is "it came from the sea".  if you haven't checked out what the omni art house is all about, click on the link. it's a pretty cool project aimed at getting original art in the hands of everyone who wants it.  not just people who can afford a high price tag.  if you like what you see - make sure to check out the link, this one will be up for sale soon too!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

omni art house submission ... monster

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here is my entry for the very first omni art house art sale.  it's a really great concept.  it allows people who may not ordinarilly be able to purchase original artwork to do so for only $40.00!  i'm really excited about it - i think it's going to be awesome.  the first sale begins on september 30th - so check it out!
the theme of the first sale is "monster".  the next theme will be "it came from the sea", can't wait to see what everyone submits.  i may just have to buy something!
here's the link...don't forget to visit on the 30th to see some fantastic work:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

illustration friday ... teacher

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this is a lesson that teachers should really be teaching in school - learning to not do this on an elevator will be more commonly used than finding the diameter of a circle or the value of "x" in an equation.  just saying.

Monday, August 20, 2012

public service announcement

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just a quick public service announcement to let you all know that this is the proper toilet paper roll protocol.  i now expect to not have to flip your rolls when i come visit you.  you are excused.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

the lonely picnic

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

illustration friday ... freeze

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the word this week on illustration friday was "freeze".  it made me think of a cold, snowy night in the city.  instead of my usual micron pens, i decided to go old school and use an old trusty bic pen. 

shadow of a man

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today's quickie sketch.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

finished little birdy

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i just realized that i never posted this little guy after i finished him... whoops!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

work in progress ... nervous li'l birdy

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here is the little guy that i am working on now.  my baby boy just went from the baby room to the 1 year old room at day care.  this is how i picture him in his new space. as you can see, it started out as a quick little sketch but i actually really ended up liking him so i'm going to turn him into a finished piece.  stay tuned to see how he turns out!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

illustration friday ... lonely

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lonliness is can be such an overpowering thing.  it can take you miles away from where you should be and leave you with so much emptiness that you could just float off into nothingness, while filling you with such a heavy sadness that you could be jolted right back down again without warning- a tug of war between emptiness and sadness that seems to never end.

Monday, July 30, 2012

"flee" ... micron pens and water color

hope everyone is having a good morning!  here is my latest drawing.  i really wanted to use a variety of patterns and textures. that is the part i enjoy the most. my new plan is to spend much more time on my art - it always feels like something is missing when i don't do as much then as soon as i start up again it's like... "AHA, that's what i needed!"  yes, us artists are a little bit strange, but take art away from us and you will see someone far stranger even.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

illustration friday ... carry

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"i carry a heavy heart"

idea sketch ... i carry a heavy heart

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this is a sketched idea for my next drawing, "i carry a heavy heart".

Thursday, July 12, 2012

illustration friday ... suspend

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"...everyone held their breath, the noise in the crowd was suspended as they all looked up, up, up..."
(apologies for the image quality - had to take the picture on my phone for this one otherwise i wouldn't have gotten it submitted in time!)

here is the updated, scanned version...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

commissioned drawing

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This was done a few years ago for tee shirts, pins and other items. I really like how it came out. The final version was actually filled in with colored pencil but I really prefer this one.

logo design submission

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a logo contest submission

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

illustration friday ... fluid

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"In an instant, thoughts that were fluid and tactile just moments ago had frozen in time and all but disappeared completely. Would a clear thought ever show itself again?"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

illustration friday... suspense

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"Everything else faded away. All she could see were words floating above paper. Part of her wanted "soon" to never come - but the suspense would kill her if it didn't happen fast."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

illustration friday... prepare

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While preparing herself for what should be such a joyous occasion, she found herself oddly tempted to sneak away to spend it somewhere else...with someone else.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

illustration friday...grounded

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"No matter how hard she tried, Norah just couldn't seem
to stay grounded and keep her head out of the coulds."